About the Journal

Journal description

Revista de divulgación científica iBIO is a quarterly publication that disseminates short popular science articles, in Spanish and English, that have biotechnology and bioprocesses as their central axis. Topics include:

  • Biotechnology engineering
  • Environmental engineering
  • Pharmaceutical engineering
  • Biomedical engineering
  • Food engineering
  • Biochemical engineering
  • Bioprocesses
  • Bioengineering
  • Bioinformatics

Collaborations are received from technicians, researchers, administrators, students, representatives of scientific-based companies, popularizers and scientific journalists from any national or international institution.

The editors will consider manuscripts for publication based on their current relevance to biotechnology and bioprocesses, their contribution to the dissemination of scientific work and their ability to communicate in a brief and understandable way for an audience at the high school, undergraduate and postgraduate levels. All manuscripts will be subject to peer review.

The journal does not charge a fee for processing or publishing manuscripts received.

The journal is independent. There are no sources of financing external to the journal or financial relationship with any national or international public or private institution.

The journal is edited by Jessica Sánchez Vargas, independently of any national or international public or private institution.

Electronic ISSN


Journal statistics (September - December 2023)

Days until first editorial decision: 8

Days until acceptance: 62

Acceptance rate: 59%


To offer an open space where recent scientific discoveries and innovative technological advances related to biotechnology and bioengineering are exhibited.


  • To have a leading publication in scientific dissemination among hogh-school, undergraduate and postgraduate students and to be a reference in the dissemination of select biotechnology and bioengineering topics.
  • To serve as an axis for collaboration in the dissemination of science between students, researchers and institutions in the country.
  • To publicize the most important work in research within the field of biotechnology and bioprocesses that is carried out in the country and the world.
  • To achieve the active participation of students and professionals from industrial and research branches in the construction of dissemination activities and strengthening ties between the three areas.
  • To maintain continuous improvement, always seeking to offer an attractive and interesting product to our readers and followers.


  • To generate internal documents for the journal: processes, procedures and statutes.
  • To improve editorial management based on the requirements of various indices.
  • To increase, year after year, by at least 10%, the number of readers of the journal.
  • To increase the community's interest in current topics in different branches of biotechnology and bioprocesses.
  • To increase the connection between researchers and high school, undergraduate and postgraduate level students in biotechnology, bioengineering and similar, from different institutions in Mexico and the world.
  • To promote critical and reflective thinking in young people, by exposing topics that affect the development of biotechnology and bioengineering in the country and the world.
  • To make efficient internal processes and reduce response time in the areas of the journal for easy management and workflow from receipt of a manuscript to final publication.

The directory of all the members of the journal can be consulted from: http://revistaibio.com/ojs33/index.php/main/directory