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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).

Author Guidelines

Works written in Spanish or English. Only original and review articles are published, as long as their objective is dissemination and they comply with the guidelines described below:

The works published in Revista de divulgación científica iBIO must follow the  Collaboration rules, which explain in detail the description of each item requested in the submissions. In summary, these must contain in the following order:

A. Cover letter. This should include the following points

  1. Title of the manuscript (12 words max): Without technicalities or contractions*. In Spanish and English.
  2. Author(s): Names and surnames of each author (if you use two surnames to identify your publications, place them joined by a hyphen) accompanied by their institutional affiliation. A maximum of 3 authors are accepted for long sections, and 2 for short sections**. Include the email address of the corresponding author.
  3. Abstract: Up to 100 words. In Spanish and in English.
  4. Keywords (3 keywords that describe the content of the manuscript). In Spanish and English.
  5. Suggest the degree of specialization required by the audience to whom the manuscript is directed: Baccalaureate, Bachelor's Degree, Postgraduate.

B. Originality letter. It must certify the originality and unpublished nature of the work and the exclusivity of its submission to Revista de divulgación científica iBIO, and in it the authors undertake not to withdraw the article or submit it to another journal without first having received a notification from the Editor-in-Chief informing them that the article has not been admitted for publication. This letter must also include the full title of the work, the names and surnames of the authors of the work. This letter must be signed by all authors of the manuscript. The format available in the following  link  can be used as a guide to write down the originality letter.

C. Manuscript in Word format. This will be the document to be shared with the reviewers, so it must not contain information about the authors. The document must contain the following points:

  1. Manuscript title (Up to 12 words): Without technicalities or contractions*. In Spanish and English.
  2. Abstract: Up to 100 words. In Spanish and English.
  3. Keywords (3 keywords that describe the content of the manuscript). In Spanish and English.
  4. Suggest the degree of specialization required by the audience to whom the manuscript is directed: Baccalaureate, Bachelor's Degree, Postgraduate.
  5. Text***: According to the available sections described below. Minimum 9,000 and maximum 10,000 total characters for long sections. Minimum 4,500 and maximum 5,000 total characters for short sections. Total character count includes spaces. The length of the text does not include references, titles, author information, keywords, abstract or figure captions. It must incorporate the tables and figures necessary for its understanding in the appropriate order. It must contain at least 1 image cited in the text, without copyright or referenced, that support the understanding of your manuscript. Tables must be accompanied by a title and figures by their corresponding figure captions. 
  6. References: Minimum 3 and maximum 7 references. In-text citations should be placed with a number in square brackets, for example: [1]. At the end of the text, the bibliography must be written in a numbered list between brackets, in APA format and including the DOI identifier. For example:
    [1] Reyes, A. (2023). Cites for revista de divulgación científica iBIO. Rev ABC. 5(2), 24.

D. Figures and tables. This includes the figures and tables cited in the document, plus 2 to 3 additional images. All of the above must be sent as separate files in PNG, JPG or JPEG format, minimum 300 ppi. 


*Revista de divulgación científica iBIO reserves the right to modify the title and subtitle of the submitted manuscripts in order to facilitate their understanding.

**During the review process it is not possible to add or remove authors from a manuscript. Any change with respect to the authors originally registered during the submission of the manuscript must be justified in a letter addressed to the editor, signed by all those involved, leaving acceptance of the change for their consideration. The editor will consider situations where a new author's contribution is absolutely necessary due to reviewer requests. Under no circumstances may the number of authors be greater than 3 for long sections and 2 for short sections.

***Revista de divulgación científica iBIO reserves the right to correct the style of the manuscripts received in order to facilitate their reading and understanding.

The works must be written following the ethics code. In addition, they must be written in simple language, with the target audience being high school and undergraduate students, both in scientific and non-scientific areas. It is suggested not to use technical terms and define in the text any concept that may be difficult for non-specialized audiences to understand (at least the first time it is mentioned in the text). The language and writing are intended to make scientific knowledge accessible to the non-specialized public. For this purpose, examples close to the reader can be used, for example anecdotes or daily actions, or inviting reflection by asking questions or debunking myths. Suggestions are not requirements to be published.

It is recommended not to use more than one font when writing the text. If you want to emphasize an idea, use bold, italics, and even underlined formats instead of using different fonts.

All manuscripts received will be submitted to an anti-plagiarism reviewer (iThenticate) and an anti-artificial intelligence reviewer (GPTZero). Plagiarism and writing articles through artificial intelligence are reasons for rejection of a manuscript, regardless of the stage of the editorial flow in which it is discovered. The use of artificial intelligence is only admissible to correct spelling and style or improve writing.

Publications of original works and reviews in the iBIO journal have no mandatory cost for the authors, but monetary donations are accepted.


Phases of the manuscript review process:
The entire process will be conducted in compliance with the ethics code published by Revista de divulgación científica iBIO. Once the manuscript is received, it will be subjected to a plagiarism analysis using the ithenticate software ( If paragraphs are found identical to already published material, the manuscript will be rejected, although this does not prevent the authors from resubmitting their corrected manuscript. Once this first filter has been passed, a section editor will be assigned who will be in charge of conducting the academic peer review process. Once the reviewers' comments are received, the section editor will make a decision, which will be communicated to the corresponding author. If the manuscript requires major corrections, it will be subjected to a new peer review process. While when only minor corrections are required, the section editor will evaluate whether or not the manuscript satisfactorily complies with the requested changes. Authors will have a maximum of two weeks to send the corrected version of their work so that it will be considered for immediate publication. If the time exceeds these two weeks, the manuscript will be postponed to the next edition. The decision to reject a job is final and unappealable. If the manuscript is approved, galley proofs of the manuscript are prepared. The galleys will be sent to the authors for review, who will have a maximum period of 72 hours to send their response. Once the galley proofs have been corrected, the work will be published. Each volume of the magazine is put into circulation in the last 5 days of validity of the previous volume in circulation.

Controversy cases:
Peer review is considered a suggestion and not a determining factor in the editorial decision process. That is, the opinions of the reviewers help the editorial committee make a decision about the manuscript. In the event that there are contradictory opinions among the reviewers, the section editor can discuss the case in the plenary session of the editorial committee to make a collegiate decision. This plenary session meets regularly to evaluate the performance of the journal's editorial work and resolve cases of controversy.

Possible results of the editorial process:
After the evaluation process, the possible editorial decisions are as follows:

  • Rejected manuscript.
  • The manuscript requires major revisions.
  • The manuscript requires minor revisions.
  • The manuscript is acceptable for publication.


The sections available for publication in the journal are the following:

Hot Science

It revolves around a current and attractive theme for the journal's audience. The most recent advances in biotechnology or bioprocesses at a national or international level are described. Minimum 9,000 and maximum 10,000 total characters.

How does it work?

The objective of this section is to lead the reader to delve deeper into the fundamentals of some technique, technology, process, equipment, among others, but in a simple and accessible way for all audiences. On many occasions we are on the technological horizon, but we do not know exactly how they work. Western blot, sequencing, spectroscopy, diagnostic tests, etc. These are some of the topics that could arise. Minimum 9,000 and maximum 10,000 total characters.

Art in science and engineering

This section seeks to show artistic expressions based on elements of biotechnology or bioprocesses. The aim is to find the meeting point that shows us the beauty of biotechnology and bioengineering applications. These can be images from microscopy, microbiology, histology, spectrophotometry, colorful samples and preparations, numerical simulations, equations and graphs, among other experimental and theoretical results, or even prose, stories, painting or scientific illustration. Minimum 4,500 and maximum 5,000 total characters.

Now what?

This section describes the work or academic experience of graduates of scientific careers, it seeks to be a guide or motivation for students who have not yet completed their studies or who doubt what to do or whether to direct their training towards academia or industry. This section can also describe the challenges, difficulties, indecisions, and strokes of luck that can be suffered as a recent graduate. Minimum 4,500 and maximum 5,000 total characters.

Notable scientists

This section narrates the life and scientific work of great researchers, the difficulties they faced during their scientific work, their motivations and their achievements. They serve as an example to follow for many future researchers, they seek to inspire and highlight the human side. The works or lives of people who were not recognized at the time or who were not given sufficient visibility may also be included. Minimum 4,500 and maximum 5,000 total characters.


This section is specially created to promote the generation of scientific or student networks for communication between the different sectors where biotechnology or bioprocesses are located. It is sought that institutions, societies, organizations, magazines or individuals representing any of the above, write about research, dissemination or application of biotechnology that they carry out. Minimum 9,000 and maximum 10,000 total characters.

Raise awareness

This section seeks to raise awareness regarding a current or future problem, related to biotechnology or bioprocesses, that has an impact on the areas of health, environment or society. Minimum 9,000 and maximum 10,000 total characters.


Section intended to publicize scientific and technological-based projects that are or have been carried out in the productive sector. It seeks to exemplify the process that a scientifically based product or service follows from the laboratory to commercialization. Likewise, the objective of this section is to describe the work of already consolidated companies within the field of biotechnology. Minimum 9,000 and maximum 10,000 total characters.


This section describes the particularities and curiosities about a particular microorganism, mentioning its applications and biotechnological potential. This includes bacteria, yeast, fungi, animal and plant cells, or even viruses. Minimum 9,000 and maximum 10,000 total characters.

Time capsules

Historical events relevant to today's biotechnology or bioprocesses are briefly described here. Likewise, in this section prospective views on current issues can be addressed. Minimum 4,500 and maximum 5,000 total characters.


Participation of external evaluators:
The entire review process will be conducted in compliance with the ethics code published by Revista de divulgación científica iBIO.

The manuscripts of the sections Hot Science, How does it work?, Art in science and engineering, Notable scientists, Networks, Reaise awareness, Bioentrepreneurship, Microbugs and Time capsules will be submitted to review by academic peers, who are chosen from outside the institution(s) of the author(s) of the manuscript. These reviewers will be consolidated experts in the field of knowledge of the manuscript and will have a maximum period of three weeks to submit their review.

The manuscripts of the section Now what? will be subject to internal review by members of the journal's editorial board.


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.